
One of Norways most narrow valley’s in which the mountains movements have dramatically shaped and reshaped the landscape through centuries. A reminder of free natures vulnaribility, as well as its immense powers in shaping and re- shaping worlds.

With and by

Concept, choreography, local and historical research: Helle Siljeholm / Climbers and co-creating performers: Pernille Holden, Marianne Kjærsund, Henrik Burvang, Mads Gausdal /Soil pigment: Bent Erik Myrvoll /Costume: Solveig Fagermo / Advisors on local history: Per Urke, Ørnulf Opdahl, Siri Forberg, Benedikte Holen, Kari Aslaug Hasle Producer: Guro Vrålstad/ International producer: Annette Wolfsberger

Co-producers:Høstscena (Ålesund) / Supported by Arts Council Norway