Walk&Talk Biennial

25. Sep   ̶  28. Jan, 2025

São Miguel, Azores │ Portugal

"The Mountain Range, Beyond Borders" (MRBB) curated by Lisa Gilardino, a project aimed at innovative cross-border touring of "The Mountain Body" has been selected from Performe Europe as one of the winners of their Open Call. It explores nature`s shifting and connecting powers through geological time, imagining a just future.

Walk&Talk Biennale

Walk&Talk Biennial is an experimental and participatory project that takes place on the island of São Miguel, Azores. It exists in dialogue with the territory and the involvement of local and migrant communities around the knowledge generated in the expanded field of the arts, intersecting visual arts, performance, music, architecture, and design. Geologically straddling the North American, Eurasian, and African plates, this volcanic archipelago, through centuries of ecological imperialism, has transformed and multiplied well beyond its endemic vegetation to become a cornucopia of species that trace a history of global trade and corresponding forms of capitalism as they intersected with these isles.