The Mountain Body at Bringing Art Home, The National Museum, Norway

16. Sep, 2021

Oslo │ Norway

16. Sep
20:00 – 22:00

For a few days in September 2021 the painting Kolsåstoppen (1895) by Claude Monet "came home" to Løkkehaven in Sandvika as part of The National Museum´s "Bringing Art Home" project. 

The French artist Claude Monet came to Norway on 1 February 1895. He finally got to experience the wintry Norway he had dreamed of, thanks to tips from his stepson Jacques Hochedé.

After a few days in Kristiania, he settled down at the Bjørnegård boarding house in Bærum, and from here he went on excursions in the area. Monet was particularly fascinated by Kolsåstoppen, which he compared to the Japanese Mount Fuji. He also went on several trips to the fjord. When Monet returned home after two months in Norway, he brought with him close to 30 paintings and a number of drawings.

The National Museum and Bærum Municipality also wanted to show an example of contemporary art from the same location. Helle Siljeholm was invited to give a talk about the choreographic installation at Kolsås and introduce prints from The Mountain Body - Kolsåssstupene .