
26. Apr, 2025

Olot │ Spain

"The Mountain Range, Beyond Borders" (MRBB) curated by Lisa Gilardino, a project aimed at innovative cross-border touring of "The Mountain Body" has been selected from Performe Europe as one of the winners of their Open Call. It explores nature`s shifting and connecting powers through geological time, imagining a just future.


Sismògraf is the festival that detects the movements of the body and of the planet. Of the body because it covers dance, circus acts, performances, walks and hybrid situations; and of the planet because there is no doubt that we live on a living planet with volcanic eruptions and rising sea levels that we must listen to. It is a situated festival that reaches out from La Garrotxa to the rest of the world. For this very reason, the landscape is an integral part of the festival, landscape is understood as a physical, mental, and emotional setting, and asa place where things happen.