15. Nov, 2025
Reykjavík │ Iceland
"The Mountain Range, Beyond Borders" (MRBB) curated by Lisa Gilardino, a project aimed at innovative cross-border touring of "The Mountain Body" has been selected from Performe Europe as one of the winners of their Open Call. It explores nature`s shifting and connecting powers through geological time, imagining a just future.
Reykjavík Dance Festival is an international center for choreographic practices in Iceland - seeking to curatean all year round conversation with its audiences – through the artists we present, support and produce.Founded in 2002, RDF's central activity has always been its international festival which now takes place inNovember. Since 2014 however, RDF has extended its activities – to include national and internationalinitiatives throughout the year in the form of mini-festival formats, workshops, and residencies.